Now Available!

Living Portals

A Sci-Fi Collection of Short Stories

This is a collection of adventure short stories for those with a heart for classic style sci-fi adventures on earth and beyond. Included are eight short stories in varying environments from the desert to the seas and from space to an alternate earth.

I thought I should take a minute to explain my pricing on Amazon.  I have three sets of stories on there:

1. Wolf’s Blood – Free ebook only download – a very short story.

2. Wolf’s Blood Plus Bonus: $0.99 ebook only – has two short stories.

3. Living Portals: $2.99 ebook or $6.49 print book – has eight short stories that stand alone, but have an over arching story behind them.


Story one, Bury the Evidence, from Living Portals has now been professionally narrated on Tall Tales TV by narrator Chris Herron.  To listen, click here (it will take you to YouTube, please come back when done):  Bury the Evidence

There’s also a brief excerpt from the book at the bottom of the page.  Check it out! 🙂 

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Snippet from Story 1: Bury the Evidence: A Portal Story 1

We’d been gone for three days. We were back in an instant.  Half an arm lay wriggling in a pool of blood on the floor.

“That was way, way too close!!” Helga screamed.  We both looked down at the severed arm writhing on the hardwood floor beneath us. Then she continued, “Couldn’t you keep him from chasing us in and losing his arm?”

“I know how to get us through a portal, not how to stop someone who’s chasing us!” I squawked out as my voice cracked.

Helga started blurting out random phrases, “I can’t look at that . . . did we make it . . . are we safe?” She was dancing pitter pat in little circles on the den floor as she randomly shrieked out each word and phrase.

“Yes, we made it. We are safe now.” As blood started oozing out of the loose limb on the floor, I tried to flatten my voice to put on a false bravado, “I’ll clean it up.” I wasn’t sure if I was trying to be more reassuring for Helga or for myself as I went to the kitchen to get a black plastic garbage bag, but, “Where will I bury that thing?” and, “How can I destroy it?” kept rolling through my head.

Helga had stepped out of the den, where we had reentered our home from the portal. As I passed her, I noticed the nice frame she still carried even at 48. Cycling class wasn’t wasted on her. “I’m going to put that arm in the garage, and I can clean up the blood with hydrogen peroxide,” I told her. “But then what . . .” My voice trailed off.

I walked back into the den, where the cat was still peacefully sleeping on her favorite armchair, not having stirred from our reappearance at all.

“You’d think after seven days we might get a welcome purr or a rub?” I mused.

Then I awkwardly scooped a still-twitching, severed arm into the thick, black plastic garbage bag from the kitchen.

Copyright © by Tim L. Thompson, 2019

The above is a snippet of the story. The remaining bulk of this story along with another seven of eight Sci-Fi short stories are now published on Amazon as Living Portals: A Sci-Fi Collection of Short Stories.