Tales from Doug #1: The Lawn Mower

Tales from Doug #1: The Lawn Mower

[Photo by zherui-zhang on Unsplash] Dad (Douglas Thompson) took full advantage of his time as an enlisted man in the Air Force and absolutely loved it. He’d been in for eight years and he said many times he would never have left except for his calling into the...
Tales from the Cold #3: The Visitor

Tales from the Cold #3: The Visitor

[Photo by Abby Savage on Unsplash] This is a tale with an epilogue nearly 45 years later. I was on my way from Miami , Florida to Fairbanks, Alaska in 1966. At that time it was a five day road trip. Roads weren’t the same then as they are today. Most of the...
Tales from Kentucky #3: 15% Chance of Rain

Tales from Kentucky #3: 15% Chance of Rain

[Photo by Yurii-Khimanin-on-Unsplash] While living in Kentucky, we had several friends with boats.  After enjoying theirs on several occasions, my wife started to warm up to the idea of having one of our own.  We discussed budgets and types of boats for...
Tales from Kentucky #2:                One More Time

Tales from Kentucky #2: One More Time

[Photo above by Eric Welch on Unsplash] Never agree to go out just one more time.  Certainly not when doing something with an element of risk like skiing, motocross, parachuting, etc.  I’ve seen it happen so many times.  The day is going great. ...

Tales from the Cold #5: The Flooding!

As with the extremes in winter, so go the extremes in spring.  When there’s been plenty of snow in the winter, plenty of water follows in the spring. Spring of 1967 came with some serious flooding in Fairbanks, Alaska.  The state had some warning and sent...